Huriot — Post jobs and find applicants for free

Post your job and find applicants for free

Huriot helps you make better hiring decisions

Resumes only show you an applicant's past jobs and what the applicant wants you to know about their background.

Huriot captures better data and lets you compare applicants across:

Knowledge specific things that an applicant knows

Skills the capabilities of an applicant

Qualities the character traits of an applicant

Tasks tasks and activities an applicant has previously done

Ready to get started?

It it currently free to post jobs and find applicants on Huriot

Contact us to request or demo or to get started building your job board

Huriot helps managers

Helps you define your needs

With a few quick clicks, you tell Huriot about the skills, knowledge, qualities you need from an applicant, and the tasks that they need to have previously done. Huriot even writes the job description for you

Increases applicant numbers

Huriot posts your jobs to other job boards, including Google Jobs, helping you attract outstanding applicants

Quickly post your job

Huriot guides you through the job description creation process and writes the job description for you, cutting down the time it takes for you to post and find outstanding applicants

Shows you matches

Huriot cuts the pain out of the screening process, instantly showing you the applicants that best match your needs

Ready to get started?

It it currently free to post jobs and find applicants on Huriot

Contact us to request or demo or to get started building your job board

Huriot helps applicants

Built for mobile devices

Ever tried to write a resume, or fill out a long application form, on a mobile device? It's not easy

Huriot asks applicants simple screening questions that assess their skills, knowledge, and qualities, and the tasks that they have previously done. No resume required, so that any applicant can apply, from anywhere, on any device

Helps applicants stand out

Huriot asks applicants questions on their skills, knowledge, and qualities, as well as the tasks they have done before, helping applicants show managers what they can really do, rather than just listing their previous jobs

Ready to get started?

Find your ideal job using the Huriot job search